Your School Children's Courtyard of Newbury Park, CA

Our Blog: June 5, 2012

Family Fun Tips for Summer

Family Fun Tips for Summer

Summer: the season kids look forward to, but parents dread. There can be such a thing as too much free time. So for every parent who is stumped when confronted with the cry of “I’m bored,” here are some suggestions.

When the weather is appropriate to go outside

Have a family picnic — the picnic can be held at a local park or even in the back yard. Give children a say in where you have the picnic and have them help you prepare the food.

Bird-watching — this is a great way to get children more in tune with the environment. Books on birding are available at your local library or can be purchased inexpensively. Identifying birds is a great way for you and children to spend time outdoors.

Family car wash — this is an especially good idea when the weather is warm. Children will love getting the car (and themselves and you) wet with the hose. Everyone will have some fun and you’ll end up with a sparkling clean car.

When it’s too hot or too rainy to go outside

Create art — kids love to express themselves creatively. Grab some scrap paper and some crayons and have your child draw pictures of you, friends, pets, teachers or whatever else comes to mind.

Create music — what kid doesn’t like to bang on things. And there are plenty of objects around the house that make a sound when banged on. Use a wooden spoon as a drumstick and join your child in making music.

Learn about the weather — is the day rainy? Cloudy? Steamy hot? Help your child discover why the weather is what it is. Internet sites like and are designed specifically to teach weather basics to kids.

Plan a garage sale — there are always things around the house that you don’t need anymore and that your child has outgrown. Collect expendable items with your child and have your child help price them and prepare garage sale signs.

Family reading — it’s always a good time to read to and with your child. You should also talk to your child about what you’ve read and ask your child questions about the plot and the characters.

Yoga — this gives both you and your child a chance to relax. There are plenty of beginner yoga videos online. Most children are limber enough to get into many basic yoga poses.

We hope we’ve given you a few ideas on how to beat the boredom blues. If you have a particularly great way to spend family time during the summer, we invite you to share it with us so we can pass it along.

About the Author

Learning Care Group
