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Our Exceptional Educators

teacher and student writing at tableOur goal at The Children’s Courtyard is to build a strong foundation so your child can achieve a bright future. And that’s the same thing we do for our educators. By providing them with training opportunities and career development, we know that they are becoming experts and masters, prepared to provide the most high-quality early education experience possible to our children.

Learning Management System: Staying up-to-date on child development issues and best classroom practices is essential and so our educators receive regular online training.

Child Development Associate Credential (CDA): Our CDA Preparation program (offered in partnership with the Council for Professional Recognition), is available to assist teachers seeking this nationally recognized credential, which makes them certified child experts.

Master Teacher Program: The next step for our teachers after receiving a CDA is to build their experience through our Master Teacher Program. Advanced child development and curriculum courses prepare our teachers to master the early education experience and to train new teachers to provide the best classroom environment they can.

School Education Manager Program: This is where curriculum experts are made. Our School Education Managers (SEMs) understand all aspects of the educational experience at our school so they can be effective coaches and mentors to our educators. This helps to ensure a high quality educational experience for every child.

Our Curriculum

Our approach is built on a foundation of active learning. This inspires everything we do in the classroom and guarantees that our curriculum is delivered through hands-on learning experiences.

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Positive Behavior Support

When children exhibit challenging behavior in our classrooms, our teachers are prepared to create a development opportunity and engage children with positive learning experiences, through research-based methods and strategies.

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Teacher Feature

April & May

When you walk into Miss Heidi’s classroom, you can just feel and see the learning all around. Her classroom is engaging, and her students know what to expect and when. After six years with The Children’s Courtyard of North Plainfield in Illinois and 20 years in the field, she loves to embrace a fun, creative approach. This includes themed outfits! Our favorites include a space dress, a Chinese New Year dress, and a Valentine’s Day dress. Each one keeps the children interested and connected to her lessons. They love being in her classroom. She fosters such amazing relationships with all her students and modifies her teaching style to fit the needs of each child. Miss Heidi is truly one in a million! 
