Your School Children's Courtyard of Concord, NC

Our Blog: February 21, 2013

Deciding on Summer Camp? Take a look at our Parent Reviews!

We help you make the most of summer with a Summer Camp that combines fun and education! But don’t just take our word for it. Take a look at the reviews we’ve received from parents just like you.

Title: Peace of Mind

A Happy Camper, Lewisville, TX

Story: My daughter loves the summer activities such as splash day and the dance class that is offered. She took part in an art exercise where she drew a picture and another student colored it. We had just returned from Disney World so she drew Cinderella and her carriage. This is now framed and hangs in the lobby of our CCY. They did a great job of engaging and building my daughter’s confidence. Now that my daughter is in Kinder, I still have her at CCY for the peace of mind that they will take her and pick her up from school. I don’t have to worry about relying on my family when it comes to early release days. I am happy to be part of the CCY family where every staff member knows and cares for my daughter.

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Learning Care Group
